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Many of you have heard about the terrible wild fire that broke out this past Sunday night in Herriman, Utah. Many of you watched with me as the fire came speeding down the mountain towards our homes! It was one of those terrible and amazing things that you just couldn’t peel your eyes away from.
Thousands of homes in Herriman were evacuated. All evening we wondered if we should leave as well, but ended up waiting for an official evacuation. It never came, so we stayed put.
If the truth were to be know, I wanted to head out just to be safe…
I got outvoted.
And so we spent a pretty restless nights sleep…peering out the windows every couple of hours to see if we needed to evacuate. In the morning we learned that only 4 homes were burned.
I could not believe it. 
To watch that fire speed down our mountain as fast as it did..and as close as it got to so many homes….4 homes lost is an absolute amazement! The light of day brought the sight of so many homes with black burn marks all around them, but not on them. The efforts made by the fire department, and government officials was tremendously effective to say the least.  
I happened to be grocery shopping this morning and noticed 5 firemen standing behind me in line. Just as I was about to offer them my gratitude, a young teenage boy who was stocking shelves beat me to it. “I just wanted to thank you guys for working so hard for all of us, and saving so many homes.” He said.
And then he shook all of their hands.
And then, I just turned around and put my groceries on the conveyor belt to be checked. See. I have this problem with my eyes.
They seem to tear up on me, in the most inopportune times.
To those of you who lost your homes…oh, I am so sorry. I can’t imagine how devastating that would be. My prayers are with you and your families.
To my friends who live a few streets above me, and are still under mandatory evacuation, come on over if you need anything.
Little bit of homemade bread
Sturdy pair of clean undies…
Hope you can return to your homes soon.
And to those who are participating in getting the fire out….thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a total amazement to me.

About Jamie

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  1. p.s. I am so very thankful and grateful you are all safe. I really prayed for you that night I found out. I was so worried about you all, but thankfully, through facebook :D! I saw you were all okay.

    We are all so blessed, aren't we?