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Hello there, dear reader and welcome to a list of Mother’s Day gift ideas including a few of my latest favorite things. Mother’s Day is just around the corner and I thought sharing a few gift ideas would be appropriate, yes? I’m also giving away a 6 Quart Instant Pot! Woo Hoo! To enter the giveaway leave me a comment telling me something you love about your Mom, Mother-In-Law, Wife or other woman of significance in your life. You can enter in the comment section below, or you can leave a comment on my Instagram Feed. If you tag a friend in your comment on instragram, you’ll get a second entry. The giveaway will be open from today until Thursday May 10th. Winner will be announced on Friday May 11th. Best of luck, everyone! I’m excited to read your comments. 🙂

Enjoy the list!



Instant Pot DUO60 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté, Yogurt Maker and Warmer

Have you jumped in on the Instant Pot craze yet? I am slowly getting there, my friends and they are truly amazing appliances. They have so many features and can save you so much time in the kitchen. My favorite thing to make (by far!) are mashed potatoes. Seriously, so easy and they turn out so well. My friend Mel at Mel’s Kitchen Cafe has some great Instant Pot recipe, see them by clicking HERE.

Assorted Design Certified International International Large Bowl Set. (For cereal, pasta, soup, etc.)
I bought a set of these fun bowls at Costco this past winter (not sure if they are still in stock there, but you can find them on Amazon at the link above). Oh, my goodness, we have loved them. They are light weight, colorful, hold the perfect amount of soup, cereal, etc. My kids love them because they don’t get overly hot in the microwave. They would make a great mothers day gift. Everyone can use more bowl, right?

Immersion Hand Blender

This immersion blender is handy for so many things. I use mine to blend up salad dressings, stewed tomatoes, soup, smoothies, etc. It’s so much easier to wash than an entire blender. Love it!


Pioneer Woman Bake Ware

Are these stoneware pans not the cutest? I love all of the Pioneer Woman Dishes, and especially these!


Pioneer Woman Batter Bowl 

This better bowl is another favorite. So adorable and perfect for making pancakes, biscuits, muffins, etc. Also, the cute factor is definitely high.

Image result for Handbag Purse Organizer in Premium Polyester - Sturdy Bag Insert with 13 Pockets

Handbag Purse Organizer, with 13 pockets

To say I love this purse organizer would be a grand understatement. It is light weight, has a ton of pockets and fits nicely inside a medium sized purse (you can buy it in several different sizes). I load it full of all kinds of things Mom’s need handy such as… Excedrin for Migraine ;), gum, band-aids, headphones,  lipstick, lotion, pens, hand sanitizer, dental floss, etc. I love it because it keeps everything organized so the inside of my purse doesn’t look like a war zone. Also, when I want to change purses I just switch it from one purse to the other. Precious cargo transferred in just a second or two. Love it.

Image result for juicy bath hydrating body lotion meyer lemonImage result for juicy bath hydrating body lotion meyer lemon
Juicy Bath Co. Lotion and Body Souffle
and Body Lotion

A dear friend gave me this lotion/body souffle set for my birthday last year and man, do I love it. The scent is super fresh and fabulous.


Wooden Serving Bowl

I love a good Wooden Salad Bowl. This one is sturdy and deep, making it perfect to take a long to a party. And it looks so pretty…


Soap Dispensing Scrubber Brush

While this scrub brush might seem Overly Practical in the gift giving department it is never the less Ah-mazing and makes dish doing so much better. It holds dish soap right in the handle. With a press of a button the soup leaks out into the brush (or sponge) and onto whatever dish you are cleaning. It’s perfect to use when there are just a few dishes to wash and you don’t want to run a whole sink of soapy water. Love it!

Bronze Family Tree Frame with 6 Hanging Picture Frames

Isn’t this frame adorable! I love the idea of the photos hanging on a “family tree”. I recently attended a wedding reception where the couple had gathered wedding pictures from their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and even great-great-grandparents. They framed each one individually and hung them in a tree that was growing in the yard where the reception was being held. It was amazing! It would be fun to use this little tree in the same way, perhaps hanging wedding photos of your mother’s posterity. It would also be great stocked with pictures of grandkids, children, siblings, etc. Load this baby up with whatever your Mom would love. (Or buy it for yourself and put your favorite family pictures in it).

Wooden Family Birthday Plaque

Several years ago I made a fun Family Birthday sign for my Mom so she could keep track of all of her children and grandchildren’s birthdays, all in one spot. She loves it. This sign I found on Amazon would work in much the same way. Great for Mom’s and Grandma’s with an abundance of posterity to keep track of.


About Jamie

Thanks for dropping by today! I hope you find these recipes to be delicious!

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  1. I just love my mom! She is always there no matter what. I love the grandma that she is. I hope if I’m blessed to be a grandmother I can be half as good as she is. Her love is unconditional and that’s the best!

  2. My step mom Lisa is my hero she took on an us 5 kids as her own 15 yrs ago and has never stopped loving us as her own.

  3. I am so blessed to have a wonderful mom, mother-in-law and an amazing step mother in law. When my mother-in-law passed away, we weren’t sure if my father-in-law would be with us long (he was pretty young) Then he met my step mother in law. She is the most loving person I’ve ever know. She loves my kids like her own grand babies. She brought light back into our family. I am so grateful to have her in my life!

  4. My mom is the greatest. At 82 she’s still going strong and finding ways to serve. She recently became an advocate for children going through court proceedings. Still learning and progressing. What a woman.

  5. I lost my mom and it was so nice to go over on Sunday’s and she
    would always have something cooking. It would have been nice for to have had a new instant pot! With that being said I would love to have one as well so I could try all the awesome recipes you have shared. Thank you ever so much!

  6. My mom has always been my biggest supporter! The tables have now turned and I had to move her away from her hometown of 78 years to live with me so I can take care of her due to her Alzheimer’s. I now support her and make sure she is well cared for during her final years. Although she’s not the “same mom” I’m used to, she’s still my mother!

  7. My Mom has always been there for me. We don’t always agree, but we respect each other’s opinions. She also LOVES to talk, so I get the latest and greatest news about everything!