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No recipe today, dear reader. Just a little story to put a chuckle in your heart and a smile on your face. Because it’s Mothers Day soon, and I know you like to giggle on Mothers Day, don’t you? 

I thought so.

Me too. 

Last month I gave the key note address at The CEU Women’s Conference. My Mom and sisters traveled down to the college with me, and boy did we have a fun time. (After the address, that is.) I was in worry, worry oh my heck why did I say I would do this mode, until it was all said and done. Literally. The topic I spoke on was Making Life An Adventure. I finished my talk off with the story I am about to share with you. 

They liked it. 

I thought you might enjoy it, too. 

Try to still love me after you read it, okay?

Here. It is. In all it’s glory.


Once upon a time, when I had 3 small children, I made plans to take them swimming at a public pool with all of their cousins and aunts. A really great time, is what we were planning to have. But as many of you know, taking small children to the swimming pool can be a bit of a logistical feat with so many outfit changes, wet clothes, wet towels and the like. To save time at the pool, while we were still at home, I put my beautiful purple swimming suit on. And I mean…it was really beautiful. You ought to see how lovely I look in a swimming suit. Seriously. It could bring tears to your eyes.
I tossed a track suit over the top of my award winning purple suit of wonder, and we left for the pool. Once we arrived I noticed there to be several rows of lockers right next to the pool. Great! I thought, we can just take our clothes off right here and get into the pool. Which we did, because I was oh so prepared and completely organized with all of us wearing our suits under our clothes. What a great Mom I am, is what I was thinking at that very moment. 
So, into the locker went my track suit. And off to find some life jackets for my small children went I. I had a hard time finding the right size for my 2 year old and so I waded through the kiddy pool looking for a life guard. When I found one I said…

“Hello there. I’m wondering if you have any really small life jackets.”

To which she said…


She just stared at me. 

I thought maybe she didn’t hear me, and so I ever so politely said.

“Do you have any small life jackets?”

This time she just looked around, refusing to even make eye contact with me! What is up with her, I thought. 

Then she just walked away. 

Holy cowgirl!She just totally ignored me. This. Is very strange.

At which point my sister in law came up to me and said…

“Um. Jamie.”


“You. Are totally wearing your bra.”

And I was. 

I totally WA-HUZ!!!!! I had on my big white bra over the top of my big hefty purple swimming suit, dear reader. I WAS WEARING MY BRA IN PUBLIC!!

Because I am so sophisticated and well organized, as I previously mentioned. 

Now, you may be wondering what a girl knee deep in a pool who had just realized her embarrassing situation might do next, aren’t you? Well, what could I do…but parade myself back to the bank of lockers, remove the big white bra and toss the old girl inside with my other things. 

And then hide in the corner in shame. 
Cry a little.
Put a paper bag over my head. 

I didn’t do any of those things, because I had small children in the pool…remember?

And it’s my life goal to be a really organized, really classy mother. Which I totally am, as you can tell by this story. 

So, I just got in the pool and played with my kids. 
And laughed with my sisters. 
Because during times like these…that’s all there is left to do. 

Happy Mother’s Day, to all of you moms out there. Thanks for joining me today! 🙂 See you back here soon, more fabulous recipes lay in wait just for you and your pretty white bra. Please wear it under your clothing at all times, is the very important lesson I would like to leave with you at this time. 

The end. 


About Jamie

Thanks for dropping by today! I hope you find these recipes to be delicious!

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  1. Great story! Happy Mother's Day to you and thank you for all the delicious recipes that I actually make and enjoy!

  2. Thanks for the good laugh, I so needed it. You are a sport. Happy Mother's Day to you. Love your blog!

  3. Your story brought a smile to my face and heart…Conjured up memories of all the kooky times when my two were little. Sad though that the life guard wouldn't say anything, doesn't say much for her character…It's always nice to be able to laugh at ourselves.

  4. Oh.Holy.Crap! I now know why I love you SO much. You are totally like me. This story made me laugh out loud, all afternoon. I love, love, love your sense of humor, and the fact that you can laugh off life's little disasters (I mean speed bumps). Of course, every mother knows that Plan A never happens. It is usually Plan B or C (or Y or Z, in my case)! Have a Happy Mother's Day, you fabulous gal!!!!!!

  5. I laughed so hard! Thanks for letting me know that I am not the only one who gets ahead of herself every now and then. 🙂
    Have a wonderful Mothers Day!

  6. I loved, loved, loved your story. Thank you for sharing that during a time when so many of us are second guessing, and doubting ourselves. That was a great chuckle! Happy Mother's Day! P.S. I love your blog, too. 🙂